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Strengthening Ties and Promoting Nepal: Highlights from Our China Sales Mission

In June 2024, the team from Hotel Annapurna View, Sarangkot embarked on an exciting adventure to China! Our mission? To build stronger connections and showcase the stunning beauty of Nepal. Our journey took us to the bustling cities of Beijing and Chengdu, where we met incredible people and promoted our beautiful country. Here's a peek into our amazing trip and what we achieved.

Bisesh Amatya (Sales & Marketing Manager) / Pawan Tamang (Operation Manager)

Our Exciting Goals

Connecting with Chinese Travel Agents We wanted to get to know Chinese travel agents better because they help bring many tourists to Nepal. Building strong ties with them was our top priority.

Promoting the Beauty of Pokhara Pokhara is known for its peaceful lakes and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. It's the tourism capital of Nepal, and we wanted to highlight this gorgeous destination to attract more visitors.

Showcasing Our Luxurious Hotel We aimed to impress Chinese tourists with our luxurious offerings at Hotel Annapurna View. With convenient travel options, including direct flights between major cities in China and Nepal, visiting us is a easy job.

Our Fun-Filled Events

Our mission included hosting the lively Nepal Promotion & Sales Mission in Beijing and Chengdu. These events were packed with energy and opportunities to promote Nepal. One of the highlights was signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Nepal and China, marking a big step towards boosting tourism cooperation. The enthusiasm from travel agents / hotels was incredible, showing their keen interest in promoting Nepal as a top travel spot.

How We Engaged

Getting to Know Travel Agents We were able to get to know many travel agents, which helped us establish direct connections and foster strong relationships.

Offering Free Stays We gave out free one-night accommodation vouchers as an incentive to those who shared their contact details with us. 

Connecting via WeChat We connected with many travel agents through WeChat, a popular messaging app in China. We even created a WeChat group with 151 members to share updates, offers, and exciting news about Nepal.

Our Achievements and Future Plans

We have introduced nicely. Many travel agents showed strong interest in promoting Nepal. In the future we would like to use China's own app, "WeChat," to approach Chinese TAs and Chinese customers. Our WeChat group will be a fantastic tool for staying in touch and building stronger relationships.

The China Sales Mission was a huge success, bringing us closer to our goal of making Nepal a top travel destination. By showcasing Pokhara's natural beauty and the luxurious offerings of Hotel Annapurna View, we're confident we'll attract more tourists from China and beyond.

We'll keep you posted on our participation in future missions in various locations. If we're ever near your area, we can't wait to see you at our events, whether you're a travel agent or an individual traveler.


Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us!


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